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BonaFide Media Presents: MySpaceModelsOnline: Kat Stacks, Lacefronts, Club Pics

As you most of you know my company BonaFide Media handles a lot of different projects. Mostly stuff that I am doing, but one of the things we have been doing under the radar is helping new website owners and bloggers build their brand.

We do this by helping with the marketing and development of their site ideas. So when someone came to me with the idea of starting a site based off the “Club Pics” I do on Twitter I was intrigued.

When they laid out the entire premise of MySpace Models Online based off my tweets I was flattered.

So we decided to lend our marketing hand to the site. It isn’t affiliated with BSO or even Break Lamps. They have the freedom to do what they please.

It is pure comedy and I strongly suggest checking it out and following the MySpace Models twitter and become a fan of the MySpace Models Facebook Fan Page.

This story about Kat Stacks sleeping with Lil Wayne & The Young Money crew would make the Tiger Woods story more insignificant that Sarah Palin 2012 Presidential Campaign.



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