Shaq doesn’t appear to be handling his divorce very well.
I can understand why. Here is the thing about guys; we can cheat with 100 women and, in a lot of instances, it doesn’t change our feelings towards the woman who we are with. Cheating to a man at times can be like playing a video game, just something to do to pass the time.
We all know that Shaq has sampled a lot from the “Female Buffet” while married, but I get the feeling he never thought his wife Shaunie would leave him. He definitely didn’t think she would leave him, vacation with the fake Braylon Edwards on his dime, and have a hit reality show, making Shaunie a star in her own right.
Shaq – who is a grown up kid – has resorted to what kids do when they aren’t feeling the love; he is becoming an attention whore.
First it was the whole “Marbury” style Ustream that BSO first brought to light and now this. obtained a legal document sent to VH1 asking them to halt production of the show “Basketball Wives” because Shaq’s lawyer claims that Shaunie signed a confidentiality agreement many years ago.
Shaq is being a bit petty, but when you are dealing with reality TV that is the norm. The ladies of “Basketball Wives” have taken to Twitter to stoop down to Shaq’s level – and the mudslinging has begun.
If I had my “Detective Hat” on I would almost think the whole thing is staged and Shaq is getting a cut. Where is my hat?
You can read the letter Shaq’s lawyer sent to VH1 here (PDF format).