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Music Video: “Dear Mama” The LeBron James & Delonte West Remix

I can not lie, I have been crying laughing for the last twenty minutes.

This is so wrong on so many levels, but so hysterically funny that I can’t help but shake my head.

I am trying to actually come up with something coherent to write, but I can’t.  It is bad enough I have “LeBron’s Mom” following me on Twitter, now this.  They should have never given some of you guys Photoshop, webcams, Twitter, and YouTube.  I am so glad I am a “Dollarnaire,” so I don’t have to worry about stuff like this coming out about me.

I am still at a loss for words.  I blame Calvin Murphy; as soon as this rumor was about to die, he comes out saying it is 100% true and now I am going to be forced to watch this video 1,000,000,000 times over the weekend.

The internet is serious business.

Tupac is not pleased by this.


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