ESPN can be hypocritical at times.
They will suspend or fire people over indiscretions. Then there are other times they will just turn a blind eye to it. Jalen Rose was arrested on suspicious of DUI in early March and now he is paying the price for in April.
ESPN is pulling Jalen Rose off the air after a report found the NBA basketball analyst waited almost three weeks to tell his employers about his arrest in Michigan on suspicion of drunk driving.
“Jalen has accepted full responsibility for his actions. Both parties are taking this very seriously, and as a result, we’ve agreed that he will not be on our air while he addresses this situation,” said ESPN spokesman Josh Krulewitz in an email to Game On!
In this particular situation I can’t fault ESPN only because I know they have a rule in place that if you get in trouble you have to come to them first.
It is very embarrassing for the leading network in the world for sports news, to be scoop about a situation with one of their employees.
Jalen Rose should also know better. Maybe if they Fab 5 Documentary wasn’t coming out this could have flown under the radar, but he had to know at some point, someone was going to snitch in the media.
I am surprised it took three weeks to come out, normally no arrests get past TMZ for this long.
It is unfortunate because Jalen is by far one the best NBA analyst ESPN has, so hopefully he will be back for the playoffs.