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President Obama on Mitt Romney: “We’re The Miami Heat & He’s Jeremy Lin”

The official end of Linsanity was when the Knicks played against the Heat and Lin was totally shut down by Jayhawk Chalmers, D Wade and Norris Cole.

He was never the same after that and the Knicks to be honest went back to being Carmelo’s team.

In essence while Lin is a nice guy and a solid player, he was exposed for being more hype than anything else. You have to love a President that uses Basketball analogies in political conversations.

No matter what moves Mr. Romney made, the president said, he and his team were going to cut him off and block him at every turn. “We’re the Miami Heat, and he’s Jeremy Lin,” Mr. Obama said, according to the aide.

Might hurt him a bit with the Asian Vote, but NYC will be squarely behind him.

As long as the President doesn’t give any pep talks like Paul Ryan and then have the team lose 56-10 he should be alright.


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