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BSO Entertainment

Justin Beiber to Be Banned From Philippines For Tweeting Pacquiao KO Memes

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Beiber is part of “The Money Team”, so it would be expected that he would post of few of the Pacquiao Memes (you can see them above).

I didn’t think it was that serious he would be banned from a country, but the Philippines are demanding an apology.

“Mr Bieber should have known that the Hon. Pacquiao has reached his stature as such as a result of sheer hard work, determination and firm belief in God, and despite such stature best exemplifies humility and grace even in defeat,” reads a resolution filed in the Philippines Congress (of which Pacquiao is a member). The resolution demands an apology, saying Bieber insulted the entire nation.”

This was a real statement from the Philippines. When Beibs heard about their angst he released these comments.

“If they were Beliebers I know they wouldn’t leave my side over [a] boxing opinion I have.”

This is the world we live in now.


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