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Kenny Britt’s Dad Says Police Are Making Up Lies About His Son

kenny britt-jack britt

As we reported yesterday Titans wide receiver Kenny Britt went from ready to cooperate in the stabbing case of his friend, to last night police saying Britt was missing and almost putting an APB out for him. 

Today Britt’s father Jack has gotten involved in the fray, and he told The Tennessean that “the police are making things up about his son that are not true.”

“all the talk from police about Kenny being uncooperative is nonsense.”

“Kenny is not running from anyone. He has nothing to hide,” Jack Britt said Tuesday. “He is fully cooperating and the police are saying a lot of things that just aren’t true. They don’t have all the facts. Kenny is going to clear this thing up.”

“Kenny wasn’t even there when (the shot) happened. We have several shootings in Jersey City, and Kenny didn’t have anything to do with it. He wasn’t even there. He wasn’t even at the scene,’’ Jack Britt said. “Kenny was just trying to do the right thing. He was telling his friend’s parents he’d been hurt, dropping someone off, going back home to Bayonne. I don’t understand how police got him involved in all this. The whole thing has been blown out of proportion.”

The elder Britt said that his son would meet with police on Wednesday.  I hope for his son’s sake he right.  Kenny needs to do something though.


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