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Report: Nerlens Noel & His Entourage Scaring NBA Teams Away


Former Kentucky forward Nerlens Noel is rehabbing and trying to show teams that he’ll be prepared to contribute to an NBA franchise.

The Big Lead via Kentucky Sports Radio is reporting that Noel and his entourage, aka handlers, are scaring NBA teams away.

Some reports suggest that the Wizards with the #3 pick, wouldn’t even consider Noel if he’s still on the board.

The major red flag concerning Nerlens may be the people he’s surrounding himself with. Simmons and Russillo discussed Nerlens’ “handlers,” and how they are making things difficult for teams to get information about him. Apparently, it is very hard to get in touch with Noel, who just hired agents on Thursday. Russillo says that Worldwide Wes AND Lebron James’ agent Rich Paul tried to get in touch with Nerlens, but Nerlens’ crew “blew them off.” They also blew off one agent six times in a row before finally meeting with him. Russillo calls the entourage “epic bad news men”

I would hope that this is all discussion and innuendo from those who like to gossip and spread rumors about players to get their stock to plummet.

If it is true, Noel might need to address who he has around him, and what type of damage they are causing him.

You can listen to Listen to Bill Simmons and Ryan Russillo discuss Nerlens here at the 1:00:00 mark of the B.S. Report. 



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