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Sterling Tried to Pay Mistress Off Through “Back Channels” to Lie to NBA


I wouldn’t consider this breaking news, since Sterling admitted that he wished he had paid his mistress V. Stiviano off. It can’t be a surprise to anyone that the NBA investigator on the case found evidence that after the tapes were released that Sterling made an offer.

 “I wish I had just paid her off,” Sterling said of Stiviano. Just days after that magazine interview, Sterling appears to have tried. He met Stiviano on May 2, and offered to secretly reimburse her for settling the lawsuit Shelly Sterling brought against Stiviano. The NBA’s investigator writes that “Mr. Sterling said that he would return the value of that payment to Ms. Stiviano through back channels.”

In return, Sterling allegedly asked Stiviano to disavow her recording of him making racist statements, and to say she had altered the audio.

The NBA investigator also found out that Sterling lied initially about the tapes being altered and that his wife Shelly was in on those lies (so she isn’t that innocent after all).

If you are Donald Sterling the thing you probably regret the most is that you knew and  people in the Clippers organization and knew that the tapes existed well before TMZ leaked them, but simply dismissed it.

Clippers President Andy Roeser has previously tried to separate himself from Sterling, but according to the NBA’s investigator, Roeser was intimately involved with protecting Sterling both before and after the release of the audio.

The case against Sterling alleges that Roeser became aware of the recording on April 9, 16 days before its release on TMZ, when a Clippers employee told him they had been sent the audio by V. Stiviano. Roeser directly that employee to delete the recording and related text messages from their phone.

Roeser also helped Donald and Shelly Sterling craft their first statement in the wake of the audio’s release, one which threw into question the tape’s legitimacy. The NBA says that statement was “intentionally misleading,” and has since been placed on indefinite suspension.

I guess the lesson to be learned here is if you are a racist, you date a woman with 5 aliases, been arrested multiple times and she has you on tape saying things you shouldn’t, just open up your checkbook.

It is better to take a Little L, instead of a BIG L (RIP) and because of Sterling’s stubbornness and arrogance he is taking a big L.

H/T Deadspin & LA Times


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