Trying to capture the essence of the World Cup in a T-Shirt that costs the same as a flight to Jamaica or a couple of nights stay at a nice hotel in Brazil…well Versace has got you covered.
For a measly $690 you can purchase Versace’s Loves Brazil T-Shirt that their website describes as:
A special t-shirt that combines the passions of football with the vivid iconography of the Versace DNA. A brand new Versace baroque print is created using the colors of a Brazilian carnival, decorated with repeated images footballs and flowers. Gold chains and leopard print add luxury, while silhouettes of football players connect the glamour of Versace with the sportsmanship of Brazil. At the heart of the t-shirt is the iconic Medusa head, with a special Versace rock twist.
Chile please. I don’t care how you dress up the description this is still a $700 t-shirt and unless there’s some gold or diamonds on it that aren’t listed in the description there’s no way ANYONE should pay this much for it.