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5 Wrestlers The WWE Needs on Main Roster in 2015 (Videos)


The WWE had an amazing 2014 in terms of cultivating young talent and creating new stars (Even though we are still force-fed Super Cena). Ambrose, Reigns, Ziggler, Wyatt, Rollins and others have all carried huge momentum into the WWE and so far haven’t been messed up.

2015 offers a new crop of athletes for the WWE to add to the main roster and the star potential is even greater than the late-2013/2014 crop. (Let that sink in)

Here’s our 5 wrestlers that should make their mark on the WWE Main Roster in 2015.

1. Kevin Owens (Formerly Kevin Steen)


Kevin Steen, now Kevin Owens in NXT, has a Bray Wyatt-esque build but commands a much higher level of wrestling skill. Owens does things in the ring that’ll make you forget about his size and blends his technical skill with a rough ECW feel. Owens has only been in NXT for a month and he’s already in a title storyline which means HHH has his eye on fast tracking him to the main roster. He’ll have a very Ambrose-like story entering the main roster. He’s going to be their next “Lunatic Fringe.”

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