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Report: Undertaker Looks 60 Years Old, May Not Be at WM31


Undertaker is no spring chicken and we know that but that doesn’t stop WWE fans from wanting to see him at every WrestleMania.

Taker looks much older than he is, 49, in recent photos but that doesn’t mean the dead man can’t train hard enough to put on a legendary performance for a night. Dave Meltzer disagrees with that logic.

Dave Meltzer is reporting that someone else is reporting that Undertaker looks old.

“For what it’s worth,” he reported. “Someone saw Undertaker recently and said that he looked 60 and moved like his knees were gone and it was almost shocking.”

We all know Taker looks old. He looked old last year at Mania, that didn’t stop him and Brock Lesner from shocking the world, and this poor guy.

Undertaker Struggleface 3

Taker just has to bring it for one night and Bray Wyatt’s recent promos seem to point toward seeing the dead man start a new streak at Mania.


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