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Roy Williams Writes Letter to Bullied Boy Living With Asperger’s


Every once in a while you need these feel good stories.

Whether it’s Tiger Woods writing his little fan who stutters, or Roy Williams writing a bullied child suffering from Asperger’s syndrome; these stories remind you that people sometimes do use their role as an athlete/celebrity for important things, too.

In Williams’ case, it remains unclear how he heard of this boy’s story, but its probable that he had simply seen the boy on TV.

Unfortunately, this boy’s appearance on the news wasn’t a feel good story originally.

Drew Summerlin, 11, was dealing with an incredible amount of cyber bullying from his middle school classmates. Despite being harassed with messages to kill himself via Instagram for weeks, Drew soldiered on.

Eventually the bullying became so bad Drew ended up in the hospital – thats when his mom says she urged the school to get further involved in stopping the bullying. The news eventually had ran Drew’s story, and then enters UNC’s head coach Roy Williams.

He wrote Drew a letter of support along with a signed autograph of the team.

“Drew, I heard about what you’re going through and I wanted to let you know that the entire team and coaching staff are thinking about you,” Williams wrote. “I’m so sorry and upset with what you have been going through. Someday those kids will realize how terribly they acted and will be ashamed.”

It’s a small, thoughtful gesture by Williams that goes a long way with little boy’s like Drew.

Plus, it’s always nice to see high profile sport celebrities being positive role models for a change.



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