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BSO Entertainment

Warriors File Motion to Dismiss StubHub Lawsuit

WarriorsStubHubFor now you may label this story as “rich people problems”, but it may end up costing the fans in the long run. StubHub is currently amidst a battle with the Warriors, citing the fact that they have monopolized the resale ticket market with their agreement to Ticketmaster.More recently, the organization filed their own motion to dismiss the ongoing lawsuit.

Stubhubssuit alleges that the Warriors informed season ticket holders they would have their ticket privileges revoked if they sold their tickets through any party other than Ticketmaster ‘s exchange.

The Warriors, according to Rovell, believe they have the right to dictate how fans can sell their tickets because “a ticket is a revocable license, and a licensor has long been permitted to impose restrictions on its licensees.”

In addition, the team argues that tickets to Warriors game do not make up the entire entertainment marketplace, and that Stubhub had an opportunity to become the Warriors’ official resale partner in a bid two years ago.

I’m of the belief that the more options for fans to buy tickets = lower prices = greater fan happiness.

For now, at least, it’s looking like Ticketmaster may be getting a little greedy over in the Bay Area. That could set a bad precedent for markets around the country that rely on their cheap & easily accessibly resale market.

We’ll keep you updated on the story and be sure to let you know how this may impact ticket prices going forward.


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