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Hope Solo Wants Equal Pay, While Taking Advange of Inequality With Domestic Violence

Hope Solo Abuser

Anytime the names of Mayweather, Ray Rice, Greg Hardy, now De’Andre Johnson and etc are spoken, it doesn’t take long for domestic violence to be mentioned.

Doesn’t matter if the story is on or off the field. Doesn’t matter the circumstances surrounding the story. It is always going to get mentioned.

It is and always will be part of their story. Mayweather went to jail and has other cases that mysteriously disappeared. The others have to live with their actions. Stay out of trouble and no one is going to mention your past in a negative way.

Pretty simple.

Hope Solo just went through an entire World Cup and her past wasn’t mentioned once. She was actually called a hero at one point. Solo violent history dates back to high school, but the only punishment she ever got was a 30 day paid vacation from US Soccer.

Solo wants equal pay for women soccer players and I have no issue with that. If you are generating the same revenue for the same job, you should get exactly the same amount of money. If that can be proven in Women’s soccer, i’d be right there holding a sign with them.

FIFA is suspect, so you can never trust their accounting, so hopefully an outside source can prove if the women are indeed bringing in as much revenue than the men.

Solo though has taken advantage of the inequality of how society, sporting leagues and our justice system views domestic violence and used it to her advantage.

So, while the goal of equal pay is noble, the hypocrisy of the person asking for it is telling.


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