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Man Has Wife Arrested Because She Didn’t Do His Laundry

Dulce Requena Garcia

Men are really starting to take the domestic duties of their wife seriously.  So seriously, that they will put you in jail if your job isn’t completed.

Here are the details via The Daily Mail:

Dulce Requena Garcia, 21, spent 12 hours in the Tampico city jail over the weekend after her spouse, Edgar Ivan Perez Alvarado, 26, called police to complain that his better half was shirking her responsibilities as a homemaker.

Mrs Garcia was slapped with a fine for causing a disturbance, which she could not afford.

Wanting to teach her a lesson, Garcia’s husband refused to pay the fine, which resulted in her brief incarceration.

This is like the most petty thing I’ve ever seen a husband do to his wife.  I hope she divorced him after this because he took the argument WAY too far. I understand men like their women to do the domestic chores around the house, but it’s 2015, you men need to learn how to do stuff around the house as well.


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