After tossing a few drinks back, getting behind a microphone at a school event, and letting rip a drunken and slurred speech, it is being reported by TMZ that boosters at USC want head coach Steve Sarkisian fired.
Apparently Trojan boosters didn’t find Sark’s drunken antics as funny as the rest of us.
Here are some details from TMZ:
Multiple high-ranking USC sources tell us … ever since reports surfaced about the USC head football coach slurring and cussing at a major USC function Saturday night, the powers that be at SC have been getting complaints from the people who back the program.
One high-ranking USC source tells us … “I’ve been getting a flurry of phone calls this morning from people who want him out. They feel he’s an embarrassment to the program and the community.”
Sarkisian has already apologized for his behavior — and says he has assured SC’s athletic director that it won’t happen again.
We’re told Sark has NOT yet addressed the football team over the incident — but he’s planning on speaking with the players about it.
Yikes, probably not the ideal way that Sark wanted to kickoff this year’s football season. It isn’t good for boosters to be already calling for your head, and you have yet to coach a game in 2015.
While I’m sure folks aren’t happy with Sark’s little speech, I think it is a little bit of an overreaction to call for his head at this juncture.
One thing is for sure, Sark better come out in win some games this year, or the heat will be turned up even more.