Scott Hall took some Twitter fire for a comment he made about wanting to take Paige over his knee and spank her. Scott Hall, 56 years old, is more than thirty years older than the 22 year old Paige and it started when Paige commented on a GIF from one of her inappropriate pin attempts on another WWE Diva. Hall proceeded to call her a naughty girl and wanting to spank her.
People are taking this way too seriously on Twitter. It's obviously a joke.
Plus. I like it 😉 haha
— PAIGE (@RealPaigeWWE) August 9, 2015
I agree 100% with Scott Hall that people are way too quick to jump on anything appearing to be even remotely “not-PC” but he also has to realize that he’s too old and Paige is too young to be putting that visual out into the world. Scott Hall went on to argue more with the Twitter hate by railing against the judgemental haters and refused to apologize for what he called a simple joke. Paige did the right thing by defusing everything because it would have been worse if it wasn’t for her.