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Greg Hardy Explicit Rap Video Released 1 Day Before His Season Debut

Greg hardy

The timing of this release couldn’t be worst. One day before Greg Hardy makes his season debut against the undefeated Super Bowl champions New England Patriots, Hardy’s new rap video has been surfaced. There so much I could say about this video but I’ll just let you watch it first.

The video was obtained by TMZ and the track is titled “I’m Just Me.” I listened to Hardy’s first interview from Vally Ranch earlier this week and this dude just seems a little off. It’s like he doesn’t understand that he was really just giving a slap on the wrist for something that could have landed him behind bars.  Hardy was convicted of beating up his girlfriend then throwing her on a bed covered with assault rifles and allegedly threatened to kill her.

Hardy appealed that case was overturned in 2015 after the alleged victim went missing and refused to testify. I know back in the day GM Jerry Jones use to say “All publicity is good  publicity.” Only time will tell how he feels about Hardy and his rap video.

Click HERE to watch the full video.



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