The Saga Continues …
Ariel Helwani continues breaking MMA stories in the aftermath of UFC 199 but this time he takes centerstage in a different way. During his weekly show, The MMA Hour, the now banned from UFC journalist exposes his own dirty laundry by revealing he was being paid by UFC for appearing on Fox’s pre- and post-fight shows.
If you’re a paid employee, it makes it a wee-bit difficult to remain unbiased. BTW, I love BSO.
In addition for accepting payment to appear on programs, Helwani also discloses that he would share questions with subjects prior to interviews and give them the power to pass on which subjects they did not feel comfortable discussing. Not to mention times he’s been roughed up by UFC security staff.
Just how deep will this rabbit hole go? No response at the current time from Fox or UFC on Helwani’s claims.