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Kevin Gates: BLM is BS When it Comes to Black on Black Crime (Vid)

Kevin Gates has shared his thoughts on the Black Lives Matter movement, although no one asked him to. In a video, he basically says that the movement is bullsh*t because they only get riled up when a white person kills a black person but don’t care when black people kill other black people. Here we go.

Kevin, did black on black crime matter when you kicked that female fan in the chest at your show? A lot of people think that black people don’t care about the black on black crime in their communities, but they are very wrong. Most of the time when a black person kills another black person, they get locked up. Recently, as we’ve seen with Sandra Bland, Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, and Mike Brown, there have been no convictions. That is the point of these marches, protests and boycotts…to help get our people equal justice.

Via Vox:

Black people aren’t uniquely predisposed to commit crimes against each other; crime is generally just racially segregated, based on a number of factors, including that most people commit crimes against people they either know or live near. According to the FBI’s 2014 Uniform Crime Reports, close to 90 percent of African-American homicides were committed by other African Americans, while the majority (82 percent) of white American homicide victims were killed by other white people.

Another factor that contributes to crime is poverty. A 2014 special report by the Department of Justice found that black and white households that lived in poverty were much more likely to be victims of crime, and were victims of crimes at similar rates (51.3 per 1,000 compared with 56.4 per 1,000, respectively).

Black people are more likely to live in poverty without the resources necessary to get out of it.

So, Kevin, before you speak about black lives matter and black on black crime, please research.


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