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Mark Hunt Says F*ck UFC For Letting Lesnar Stick Needles in His A** (Video)


Tell us how your really feel, Mark.

Mark Hunt lost his UFC 200 fight to Brock Lesnar, which was fine until Brock failed multiple PED test. At that point Mark asked the UFC for half of Brock’s fight purse ($1.25 million) or for his immediate release. So far the UFC has done neither and Mark isn’t staying quiet about the situation.

Here are a few of the heated comments from Mark Hunt courtesy of

“Before the fight I was assuming he was cheating,” Hunt said. “Look at him. There’s no way that guy makes 265 pounds. That guy is a gimp, he’s sticking needles in his ass like the rest of these cheaters. And the thing about that is, he’s sitting here saying ‘this is a fair place.’ Well, it’s not fair. These guys are cheating and they should be in court for it. (They should) lose all of their money if they’re cheating, because if I die in there, who’s going to look after my family.

“That’s corrupt sh*t, man. These motherf*ckers should be penalized hard. Dirty, scummy, cheating scum. That’s how that monkey won his world title. He didn’t do it by doing it clean. He did it by cheating, just like the rest of these cheaters.”

Hunt went on to further call out the UFC.

“I’ll go and work somewhere else,” Hunt said. “Like I said, I don’t give a sh*t. If we’ve got to sue their asses, well then f*ck you, you’re going to get sued. You scummy c*nts. The problem is everyone these days, ‘man, I want to get into the UFC.’ F*ck the UFC. You’re sh*t. You motherf*ckers don’t look after nobody.

“We’ll let this f*cking white piece of sh*t f*cking stick needles in his ass and say, ‘oh, he’s going to take us all the way to the f*cking bank.’ Let’s give him f*cking millions of dollars and not worry about this motherf*cker. You know what? F*ck that and f*ck your sh*t company. Look at that for a contract. You can sue me on that, motherf*ckers.”

The harsh language and passion flowed through Mark and he let all parties involved have it. With no true resolution in sight it’s hard to blame him.

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