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Don King Says N*gger While Introducing Donald Trump (Video)

Don King has decided he will endorse Donald Trump in the 2016 election, so he naturally gave a speech introducing Trump to a group in Cleveland at a church. King was listing his reasons for endorsing Trump and was sharing a story where he had a discussion with famed pop singer Michael Jackson.

In his speech, King explains that he was told to “emulate the white man and then you can be successful.” He then goes on to describe the different types of black people as told to him and sadly enough uses n*gger to describe a “dancing and sliding and gliding” black person.

Though the word is commonly used in the black community, it should never be forgotten that this word was used by white slave masters first. King is allowed to endorse whomever he chooses. It is his right as an American citizen, but the use of the word should not be tolerated. Black people are more than just that word. An educated black man is an educated black man and not an educated n*gger, as King is trying to imply in his speech.


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