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College Football

Musburger Trolls Petrino on Motorcycle Mistress Accident (Video)

Bobby Petrino

Brent Musburger has earned the right to have no chill, and on Saturday night he unloaded on Bobby Petrino with a reference that I’m sure will have some people talking.

Musburger was on the call for the SEC Network’s highly anticipated Clemson vs Auburn battle — when during the second quarter, a brief look at Clemson’s regular season schedule turned into foolery.

While talking about their October matchup — Musburger, likely trying to point out how good of a coach Petrino is when he’s focused, jabbed the coach over his 2012 motorcycle accident involving his mistress, that cost him his job.

Musburger said that Clemson would watch out for Louisville because “when Bobby Petrino gets off his motorcycle, he’s a good coach.”

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