Vanessa Gritton may go down in history as the most savage wife ever. The California resident has begged her now ex-spouse for a divorce. Two years have passed on and he still remained to give her a hard time about this decision. When she finally moved out of the toxic home, it left Gritton broke and living in her car. Apparently, He still refused to sign the divorce papers.
The only way he would sign the papers were if Gritton raised $1,500 for the divorce. In a matter of hours, the Go Fund Me campaign was launched and caused a stir. Sharing her full story of their marriage turmoil and having the funds raised in hours.
Vanessa closed the polls after $2,600 with the reason of her conscience. She has received a more than desirable amount that has helped her with legal fees and finally ending her tumultuous marriage.
This story is actually inspiring or it could be an elborate scam, who really knows these days.
To view the full story in the Gofundme page click to the next page…