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LA Crowd Explains to BSO Why They Turned on Charlo So Quickly (Video)

When the fight between Jermall Charlo vs. Julian Williams was first announced, the collective reaction from people who follow boxing was FINALLY, a competitive fight between two divisional bests who never received the “boring” label. Los Angeles seemed to be an odd placement for the pairing but no matter, local fan favorite and newly minted champion Abner Mares’ fight against Jesus Cuellar would headline the bill and the night should go on to be an entertaining one.

So Los Angeles showed up at USC’s Galen Center for the two non-local combatants and watched as the champion crushed his challenger and went full heel when he rejected a handshake, watched his team cause a ruckus, and stood on the ropes basking in victory with friend Chris Brown sitting ringside behind dark glasses.

It doesn’t get more LA than that.

The crowd’s visceral reaction to Jermall Charlo was understandable because even the biggest heels like Floyd Mayweather show respect to their opponents after fights. It is a long standing tradition in boxing that no matter the trash talk that happens before the fight, after the fight you show respect and don’t make excuses. West coast boxing fans are the most knowledgeable in the sport and was not going to let Charlo’s poor sportsmanship get a pass.

And come Monday, it’s back to being <insert your favorite villain here> once more.

In the far quieter post-fight press conference Charlo reverted back to his usual non-loquacious persona and against his will hugged and congratulated Team Williams. Going goon and flipping the table would have turned him into a social media sensation but there’s always next time. There’s levels to being a villain.

For now, let’s look at five future fights for Jermall Charlo should entertain if he remains in the 154 pound weight division.

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