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Man Hilariously Lives Tweets What Happened When His Boy’s Wife Caught Him Gambling


We should all be so lucky to have a friend that will ride or die with us to the very end even if it means we become the butt of jokes from said friend’s live tweeting of our ordeal.

Bossip caught wind of a offline, turned into social media, soap opera involving a marriage being pulled apart by a husband’s sports gambling addiction, his wife’s Southern Baptist minster father, and the best grooms men in the world who saved him from an untimely death by beating him up and kidnapping him while he was drunk.

The story begins with best friend, who goes by the twitter handle @singlemaltfiend, bringing followers up to date after his best friend accidentally reveals to his wife and Southern Baptist minister father than he has issues with sports betting aka gambling. Oh, not to mention the entire ordeal gets underway while he’s drunk at Applebees. It’s a lengthy read but a pretty entertaining one.

Flip the pages to catch the story.

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