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Report Leaks Why WWE Chose Roman Reigns To Enter Royal Rumble at 30 (Video)

Royal Rumble had such high expectations and WWE did what WWE likes to do. Fans were anticipating many surprises including, Samoa Joe, Finn Balor or even Kurt Angle. The rumble went on and WWE threw no swerves. As the last entrant was being counted down, fans were anticipating something amazing, euphoric but instead WWE pulled the jig.

Roman Reigns was the last entrant and fans booed the hell out him. Why have Reigns enter in the 30th spot? Well, looks like we may have some answers.

Wrestling Observer reports the reasons why Reigns entered last were to A) set up his feud with the Undertaker and B) for Randy Orton.

We all thought Taker was going to face Cena at WrestleMania this year. However, it looked blurry from storyline purposes. Taker was only on the Smackdown before Survivor Series and then we saw him on Raw months later. By the time the rumble rolled around it was unclear who Taker was going to face. However, in the Royal Rumble match, we saw Reigns eliminate Taker and then say, “this my his yard.” So we know it’s him against Taker at Mania.

The other reason is a little more intriguing. Reigns entered 30 so fans could cheer for Randy Orton. The 30 spot is usually for a big return or surprise, so hearing Reigns’s theme music hit, definitely drew the heat. Orton won the Royal Rumble and the decision seemed questionable. How do you combat that? Have that person eliminate Reigns because they’ll get cheered all night. When it came down to them being the final two, you could here the groans in the crowd and the crowd was clearly pulling for Orton.

Some fans were left a little confused about the decision but everyone was on the #AnybodybutReigns train.

WWE knew their pick was iffy, and that’s why they had Reigns enter at that spot. If they had to do all this to ensure Orton would get cheered, why pick him to win when there were other people in it that would get cheered without the deliberate Reigns spot?

In the meantime, flip the page to see how pissed WWE fans were when Reigns came out at #30.

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