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Details on Terry Crews Claiming He’s Being Tracked, Bugged, & Might Disappear Because of Sexual Assaulter Adam Venit

Last month Terry Crews dropped a bombshell about his own experience with being sexually assaulted, after hundreds of women began disclosing their harassment experiences on social media using #MeToo.

Crews outed WME executive Adam Venit as the man who grabbed his genitals in front of his wife during a red carpet premiere several years ago. Crews said he was furious but didn’t respond with violence because of how it would look.

Since Crews has come out with this revelation, Adam Venit has stepped down from WME and Crews is now represented by a different talent agency. Crews has mostly received public support after filing a lawsuit against Venit, but according to some tweets Crews posted recently, he claims that WME and Venit are retaliating against him and his family.

These are some serious allegations Crews is coming forward with and he even went as far as to suggest that his life may be in danger. His follow-up tweets also suggested that Russell Simmons asked him to drop his case and that his computer was also hacked.

For Crews to bring these types of allegations to the public must indicate that he is in fear of some kind of retaliation from Adam Venit, and wants to make the public aware in case some kind of harm comes to him or his family.

Flip the pages to read the rest of Terry Crews’ tweets.

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