I guess you can add ambassador to the list of titles for Dennis Rodman. Rodman spoke to TMZ about the apparent warming relationship between the United States and North Korea and his role in making peace between the two countries a possibility. Rodman claims that it was his influence during his trips to North Korea that made Kim Jong Un change his mind about Trump and the American people.
Rodman credits the books about Donald Trump that he gave to Kim Jong Un with helping to sway Jong’s attitude which has resulted in a possible reunification of the two Koreas and talks of denuclearization by North Korea. Rodman calls Trump a good friend and says that your President encouraged him to take the trip to North Korea.
Kim Jong Un’s overtures towards the United States and South Korea have turned positive in recent weeks, but there are still questions about the sincerity of those sentiments by North Korea. In my opinion, if North Korea is suddenly talking about peace with the United States and South Korea, that would likely mean that they finally have nuclear weapons that can reach the United States. Recent history has shown that the United States has only engaged in armed conflicts with countries that are not nuclear capable, hence North Korea’s persistence with nuclear weapons technology. So let’s keep the champagne on ice for now.
Flip the page for the video of Rodman.