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How Markelle Fultz Helped a Kid Get his Entire Math Class A’s via Instagram While at the Dentist (Photos)

Markelle Fultz made his return to the Philadelphia 76ers a few weeks ago, and despite being out for so long, he looked comfortable and linked up well with his teammates whenever the opportunity presented itself.

However, The number one overall pick of the 2018 draft was dishing out assists off the court. Christian Crosby, a former content and integrated marketing manager for the 76ers received an Instagram message from a fan saying that if he got Fultz to help him solve a math equation, the teacher would give the entire class A’s.

Crosby messaged Fultz asking if he could help the kid and his class, but there was one problem. The point guard was at the dentist. Still, despite laying on the dentist chair, Fultz somehow solved it.

Flip the page to check out photos of how Fultz got an entire math class A’s.

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