This is disgusting.
Two Syracuse-area parents are in hot water after it was discovered they lied about their 9-year old son having a deadly form of cancer, in order to score a visit with the Orange football team & acquire thousands in sympathetic GoFundMe donations.
“Martin and Jolene LaFrance were charged with scheme to defraud and endangering the welfare of a child on Friday, according to the sheriff’s office.
Deputies, acting on a tip, discovered that Martin and Jolene LaFrance solicited money under the guise that their son, CJ LaFrance, was battling Hodgkin’s lymphoma. After a four-month investigation, the sheriff’s office “conclusively” learned that CJ was never diagnosed with cancer or any other medical condition.”
“Investigators discovered that Martin and Jolene LaFrance received about $3,000 in donations via a GoFundMe page, which appears to have been deleted.
An archive of the page from Aug. 30, 2017, shows that $3,334 had been donated to the cause.”
Last summer, the Syracuse football team invited CJ & his family for a personal day to meet players & coaches from his favorite team. He got to practice, sit in on meetings, and enjoy all the other perks of a fun-filled day meant for a child struggling through the horrors of a disease as terrible as cancer.
Now, through no fault of his own, the child will be made a mockery in his area & probably have all sorts of struggles with bullies & harsh jokes.
Flip the page for video of CJ with the team during his ‘cancer visit’: