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Twitter Reacts to The Wild Azealia Banks Snapchats from Elon Musk’s House With Singer Grimes

From what can only be described as an act of sheer frustration, Azealia Banks logged onto Snapchat earlier today to give the internet an update on her current predicament, where she was allegedly waiting to collaborate with for her upcoming album Fantasea II: The Second Wave.  From what appears to be the residence of one Elon Musk, Azealia found his wifi password (while he was presumably unaware), and made explosive claims about her hosts, Mr. Musk and singer Grimes.  Among them was the apparent ease by which she was able to learn personal information about Elon Musk

“There’s no reason, that in this collab with grimes, I know so much about ‘Elon musk’ (sic)… Grimes is really an idiot”

See more of Azealia’s Snapchat fury and Twitter’s reactions below

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