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Football Outsiders Asst Editor Scott Kacsmar Addresses His Multiple Racist Tweets By Rationalizing Why He Posted Them (Tweets)

It isn’t surprising that an older white male is comfortable tweeting about racial stereotypes about black people.

It also isn’t surprising they would work in sports media.

The fact that Scott Kacsmar who is the Football Outsiders Asst Editor didn’t really apologize, but instead said when he spoke of the “hood” he was talking about his own experience, and while we might see it as racist, he isn’t racist.

This is something that people who do racist stuff say. They didn’t mean it as it came across, but if you are someone who isn’t racist, you wouldn’t even think of saying these things.

They aren’t just old tweets; he has been tweeting about these things since he got on twitter. These are the guys that are giving opinions on black athletes, so just remember that when you are reading some of these articles from them.

Flip the pages for the terrible tweets and his explanation for them.

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