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After Hanging Out With Her Ex-BF Blake Griffin, Ben Simmons’ Girlfriend Kendall Jenner Was Spotted Getting Close to Her Other Ex-BF Jordan Clarkson (Pics-Vids)

Ben Simmons is just trying to get to the Eastern Conference Finals, but while he is out working hard his girlfriend is out with all her ex-boyfriends.

Here is the latest according to Sports Gossip from Travis Scott’s birthday.

Looks like Kendall Jenner is keeping up with her ex-boyfriends.

While her relationship with Sixers superstar Ben Simmons is up in the air, Kendall continues to have some bump ins with familiar faces.

We recently caught Kendall Jenner spotted with Blake Griffin.

Now we’ve received word she was spotted with another NBA player and ex boyfriend, this time Jordan Clarkson.

The two had dated from 2016 to 2017.

Looks like they just ran into one another according to our source.

She was meeting Blake the other day and now she was seen with Jordan Clarkson at Travis Scott birthday party.

Flip the pages for the source’s evidence and video from the party.

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