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Future Gives Baby Future a Rolex for His 5th Birthday; Bored Twitter Debates Who Gave Baby Future a Better Birthday Party Future or Russell Wilson; Check Out Baby Future Sporting the Rollie (Pics-Vids-Tweets)

Rappers nowadays do get a little carried away when it comes to giving their children extravagant gifts. This is the case for Future as he gave his five-year-old son a Rolex for his birthday. This comes as a little bit odd to some people considering his young age and not really knowing what a Rolex is or does.

Many would’ve thought that maybe a glow up toy watch or even some Legos would’ve been best for Baby Future. Nonetheless, Future had social media on fire again with this move.

This also started debates on who have Baby Future the better day between Future and Russell Wilson. Wilson gave Baby Future a Superman-themed birthday party. Flip the page for a video of Baby Future getting the Rolex, Twitter reactions to the gift and Wilson with Baby Future at the party.

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