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Paul Pierce Has Thoughts After Saying Celtics-Bucks Series Was Over After Game 1 and Guaranteeing Celtics Win (Video)

So another Paul Pierce take gone viral for the wrong reasons huh? Just the usual.

Paul Pierce is looking stupid once again, but this time for declaring the Bucks-Celtics series over after just one game. Yes, Paul Pierce said the series was over after only game one.

Stupid take? Yes.

Especially considering that the Bucks won game two and three, putting that awful take to bed.

Also letting us know once again to take what Paul Pierce says with a grain of salt.

But he’s on ESPN’s NBA Countdown crew so I guess we’re forced to stick with him for just a little while longer. Isn’t that exciting?!

Sigh, Lord help us all.

BUT, Pierce looks like he’s taking steps in the right direction to not make himself look like a fool….maybe.

Flip the page to see Pierce’s tweets to say he regrets his bad take.

ALSO, to see one more bad take of his that’ll make you cover your face in frustration.

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