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Police Release Video of Ex-Ravens Alex Collins Arrest After Wrecking Corvette; Watch How He Tries to Make His Boy The Fall Guy For The Weed & Gun, But His Boy is Like Hell Nah (Video-Pics)

TMZ Sports obtained police footage early this morning of former Ravens running back  Alex Collins who was released earlier this year after Collins was arrested for Marijuana and Firearm possession.

Back in March of 2019 Alex Collins wrecked his Corvette after sliding off an icy road in Owings Mills, Maryland near the Ravens facility, running the vehicle into a bundle of trees.

After authorities arrived on the scene, Collins told them he was just casually waiting for a tow truck to arrive.

Cops ran his tags and they appeared to show expired, which prompted cops to issue Collins a ticket.

While being issued a ticket, authorities smelled a strong aroma of marijuana coming from the wrecked vehicle.

According to TMZ, the cops ask Collins how much weed do you have in the vehicle, in which Collins says I don’t know.

Plot twist; Collins was not the only person in the vehicle. His friend TJ Dunaway who was also in the car, decided to walk home after Collins skidded off the road.

This is who Collins ultimately claims the weed belonged to. Once TJ arrives back on the scene, he is questioned by authorities.

Per TMZ, TJ states,

 “It’s his. I didn’t know it was in the car until it crashed because we were coming from a party.”

Consequently, the two were both booked for possession of marijuana,  while Collins was also charged with possession of a firearm. After fighting the charges for several months, Collins agreed to a plea deal in accepting two misdemeanor charges for the weed and handgun. Collins who only is facing a fine and probation is still looking to make an NFL roster since being released earlier in the calendar year.

Flip the page to see the video released by authorities and pictures from the accident.

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