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Yung Joc Unbothered by Lame Passengers Who Tried to Shame Him For Working a Regular Job as Rideshare Driver (Vid-Tweets)

Yung Joc encountered two individuals who may need to mind their own finances instead of monitoring his as he worked a side job to supplement his Love n Hip Hop income.

While driving for the rideshare app Pull up and Go, two passengers, who managed to become one of Yung Joc’s patrons, began to make some pretty big assumptions about his financial standing based on his part gig.

At first, the passengers were unsure if their driver was indeed Yung Joc, finally after asking if burning question Joc confirmed the riders’ suspicions.

One of the passengers allegedly asked Yung Joc if he “fell off” indicating money troubles as the cause for Yung Joc driving for the Uber-like ride service.

Although the two nosey passengers did their best to get Yung Joc to react by calling his financial situation into question, according to them Joc remained steadfast with his replies. The Love n Hip Hop regular claims to enjoy meeting new people and earning income outside of his reality TV career.

There is nothing wrong with making a little extra money, outsiders should understand that not every TV personality is raking in millions and may need to do extra work to make ends meet.

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