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How Much LeBron and Other NBA Players Are Being Paid For Instagram Sponsored Posts (Photos)

LeBron James’ ability to earn money isn’t just relegated to the basketball court, he also earns large amounts of money to promote brands on social media, so much that he earns more money than any other NBA player.

According to LeBron James makes a whopping $300,850 per post on Instagram, this along with Lebron’s basketball contract brings in close to $100 million dollars per year.

While LeBron James is raking in the dough to post advertised content, his fee is nowhere near what Cristiano Ronaldo and Kylie Jenner demand, Kylie receives around $1,266,000 while Rinaldo gets $975,000 per paid Instagram ad.

Flip to the next page to see the full list of top earners on Instagram.

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