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What Future is Suing His Alleged IG Model Baby Mama Eliza Reign For After She Went on Media Tour Saying He Promised to Take Care of Her For Life (Video)

Future has been living his best life with Lori Harvey in Abu Dhabi, Nigeria, and also Jamaica for her 23rd birthday party. He’s also released two hot records with Drake since last month with “Life Is Good” and “Desires.” These are all rumored to appear on the sequel to their collab 2015 mixtape, “What a Time To Be Alive.”

The Free Bandz rapper is still dealing with baby mama issues as well as Instagram models Eliza Reign and Cindy Renae Parker are trying to get paternity tests to prove that he’s the father of both of their kids. According to TMZ now, Future is now suing Reign though for defamation and invasion of privacy after she’s been going on a media press run detailing how she met him and also her pregnancy.

In the lawsuit, Future believes that Reign is spilling the tea about their sexual relations in order to get clout and checks from him. Future originally met Reign at a club in Miami and added that he would’ve never messed around with her if he knew she would go around telling everyone their business. Court documents also stated that when Reign appeared on Rah Ali’s “Onsite” radio show, she detailed how Future’s genitals looked.

Other statements that Future believed Reign lied on him about was putting a hit on her after she refused to get an abortion. He says that his brand is taking a hit from her lies and that he’s suffering emotional distress. What he’s looking to get in court is an unclosed amount in damages.

When Reign appeared on Ali’s show, she claimed that Future frequently called her to check on her pregnancy so there’s definitely different stories told from both sides. She’s even trolling him on her Instagram page as one of her display names is “JUST TAKE THE TEST.” This all seems like a clout-chasing move by her for sure at this point.

Flip the pages to check out more photos of Ms. Reign.

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