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Megachurch Pastor Joel Osteen “Who Locked Down his Million Dollar Facility for Hurricane Harvey Victims”, Not Canceling Services for Coronavirus; Twitter Debates if the “Collection Plates” are Germ Free (Tweets)

Mega church and TV sensation pastor Joel Osteen says the show and money grab will still go on, sources tell TMZ.

Osteen, pastor at Lakewood church based out of Houston, Texas who services draw crowds as much as 16,000 says his staff at the million dollar facility will take all precautions to keep the church sanitized at all cost including,

  • sanitizing surfaces
  • cleaning bathrooms
  • propping doors open to avoid human contact on door knobs

To help better protect the facility, Lakewood has advised all members, visitors and staff that have any such symptoms of the potential fatal virus to stay home.

The CDC has advised all programs, events, and functions that draw large crowds over 1000, recommend canceling to avoid spreading of the virus.

Worth noting, back during Hurricane Harvey (2017) Joel Osteen faced lots of criticism from the general public amid his decision to close his church doors for the victims needing shelter, food and clothing. after losing their homes from the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.

Osteen quickly shut those rumors down telling USA today,

“We have never closed our doors,”

“We will continue to be a distribution center to those in need. We are prepared to house people once shelters reach capacity. Lakewood will be a value to the community in the aftermath of this storm.”

Lakewood from the above statement wanted to basically be a last resort for victims, not a first option during Hurricane Harvey.

What’s interesting here is that when it came to being a safe haven for victims of weather epidemics, Joel decided to be a last resort for those in need, but nevertheless, when it comes to being a cash cow for collection plates, Joel is first at the dinner table.

Flip the page to see reaction from around Twitter.

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