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Here are Some of the Death Threats Bill O’ Brien Have Gotten From Texans Fans For Being a Horrible GM (Tweets)

I won’t go as far to say this offseason for the Houston Texans has been an absolute trainwreck, but it certainly been a massive disappointment.

By making bad move after bad move, Bill O’ Brien continues to show us why he’s not fit to carry out the duties of a general manager. He’s left his young, star quarterback without a proven #1 wide receiver, and he’s plunged this team in draft asset hell.

It’s not the model you want to use, when building your team around a talent as exciting as DeShaun Watson’s, but Bill O’ Brien doesn’t seem to give a care in the world. As chief of every Texans roster decision, his performance has been rather subpar.

And I’m being nice using the word subpar.

But regardless of the job he’s done so far, it warrants zero reasons to receive any sort of death threats. That’s a human being who’s making mistakes, not someone who’s beating your mother right in front of you.

Flip the page for more details regarding Bill O’ Brien receiving death threats because of the moves he’s made this offseason.

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