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Watch Dominos Pizza Guy Get Heated Because He Didn’t Tipped During The RONA: “F*ck You Bro” (Video)

We know during the pandemic, our essential workers are doing the best they can to ensure customers are being satisfied, even if that means they don’t receive a thank you for services being provided.

In this case, According to TMZ, a Dominos delivery driver completed went APE Sh*t on a couple of teens.

Why you may ask?

The Dominos driver didn’t receive not even a penny for dropping off an order during a recent delivery.

This incident happened back in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where reportedly a father of two relayed his card info over the phone for his kids to purchase a pizza.

As seen on video, the driver approaches the residence, drops off the order and this is when things went south.

The daughter’s first time seeing a receipt, ultimately hands over the receipt to her older brother for him to finish the transaction; they both leave the “tip” area blank.

Nevertheless, the driver is furious about not getting a tip for using his gas to deliver pizza during the coronavirus pandemic.

During the exchange the driver calls the son a douchebag, and tells the kids,

“”f*** you, bro”

I don’t make f***ing money if I don’t get tipped … I just brought you your order with my gas.”

You usually get tipped for bringing the correct order. The order was not correct at all, with the father admitting the teens received cheese bread instead of the sandwich that was original ordered.

Flip the page to see the altercation between the driver and the teens.

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