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Watch Four Thugs at Home Depot Disregard Social Distancing Rules, Getting In All-Out Brawl with Paint Cans, Shovels & Hoes During the RONA (Video-Pics)

Wednesday May 20,2020 an all out brawl with paint, shovels, and garden hoes occurred in Tampa, Florida between four men which appeared to be all over a couple cans of paint.

Of course, we are all witnessing and experiencing the corona virus pandemic, so there is a possibility we may not be thinking straight, but over a couple cans of paint?

No word if any arrest were made, but it doesn’t appear that anyone was harmed in the video besides getting slapped a couple times over the head with shovels and paint cans.

This is according the Daily UK, the second fight that has occurred this week alone, at Home Depot during the covid-19 pandemic.

Flip the page to see the four men go at it for a couple seconds, along with pictures on the ordeal.

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