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Black Kid Knows That Cops Are Shooting Unarmed Blacks & Getting Paid Vacations; Fearing For His Life Shooting Hoops, Kid Hides Behind Jeep As Cop Drive By

Every other day another headline shows a black unarmed male or female life being taken away from the hands of a law enforcement officer. Law enforcement jobs are to protect and serve, not to continue to shoot and kill African Americans freely with no punishment.

It shouldn’t take African Americans having to riot and burn down buildings just to get our points across. It seems like our attention only crosses the mind of the opposition when your establishments are losing money.

What has went viral, shows a video of a young African American kid playing basketball right outside his home, enjoying life of being just a kid shooting hoops.

What happens next, is the kid showing fear, and thoughts that every black male or female seems to demonstrate at this point it time, due to the consistent killings of our Black families.

As the kid continues to shoot the ball, he looks over his shoulder and spots a cop driving towards his direction. Subsequently, the kid hides behind a parked vehicle so that the cops doesn’t mistake him for a “thug” or “criminal” playing basketball in his own yard.

It’s sad that these kids are living with fear just from the site of seeing a cop. Why? Ask the families of  Tamir Rice, George Floyd, & Breonna Taylor.

Flip the page to see the kid show fear of his life by the site of seeing a cop.

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