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Falcons QB Matt Ryan Releases a Statement Regarding The Death of Rayshard Brooks: “He Should Be Alive, End of Story”

Matt Ryan is echoing all of our thoughts regarding the death of Rayshard Brooks. If you don’t know, Rayshard Brooks became another hashtag this past week, after being gunned down in the parking lot of an Atlanta Wendy’s. Police say they tried to handcuff him after a suspected DUI, but when Brooks tried to run away, he was shot 2 times in the back.

In a statement that was released today, the star Falcons QB expressed his own disbelief with the entire situation, saying that the country can’t continue to lose lives due to police brutality. He’s 100% right as well, not that this is the only time statements like these have been released though.

We’re only just getting into the conversation about what needs to happen to stop this deadly trend. Bad policing has to be weeded out of departments across the country, stricter punishments have to be handed down whenever an officer uses excessive force, and the country has to begin to truly listen to the conversation.

By “truly listening”, I mean actually taking the time to investigate the situation, take the time to have those conversations with the people that are being affected by this problem, and don’t back away from the conversations if they make you uncomfortable.

These talks are supposed to make you uncomfortable, it isn’t going to be all sunshine and flowers when you discuss ways to stop police from killing off African Americans in the damn street. Stop holding it off, stop being afraid to engage in this movement.

Learn about it and take action.

Flip the page to see Matt Ryan’s statement about Rayshard Brooks’s situation.

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