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Watch Carmelo Anthony Tell The Story About When He First Found Out That David Stern And The NBA Were The Feds

Carmelo Anthony is easily a first-ballot Hall of Famer, and he will surely be missed when he retires.

His HoF career was almost derailed, though. Not when he was seemingly being blackballed from the league a couple of years ago. We have to go back to 2006 for this.

Melo was off to a great start to the 06-07 season and was one of the favorites to win MVP that year. Then he got into a fight in the Garden and was suspended for 15 games for punching someone on the Knicks. It could have been a longer suspension because the NBA was trying to crack down on fighting then.

While joining Gillie and Wallo on their Million Dollaz Worth of Game podcast, and talked about the conversation he had with then NBA commissioner David Stern (RIP) and talked about how that’s when he found out Stern and the NBA were the Feds.

Melo says that Stern told him that he knew everything about his life and even knew everything his boys were doing.

He also says he understands that they want to know everything because they give the players so much money.

It does make sense, though.

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