The Marvel cinematic universe is full steam ahead with the anticipated Spider-Man movie on the horizon, ‘The Black Panther’ franchise set to be the main focal point of the studio.
After the untimely death of Chadwick Boseman, many had questions as to what will happen to the franchise and who would play T’Challa. In an interview on the ‘The Ringer-verse’ podcast, Nate Moore–the MCU VP of Development, said he and director Ryan Coogler talked about the situation and just found it impossible to replace Boseman, and we won’t be seeing his character again.
“You will not see T’Challa in the MCU 616 universe. We couldn’t do it,” said Moore. The VP went on to speak about how crucial director Ryan Coogler was in the decision, saying “I will say, when Chad passed, it was a real conversation we had with Coogler about ‘what do we do?’ And it was a fast conversation. It wasn’t weeks, it was minutes of, ‘We have to figure out how to move this franchise on without that character.”
Now that some time has passed, I think this is a terrible decision by Marvel. I can understand that in the moment, it made sense because it happened so suddenly.
With that being said, the MCU needs T’Challa as he is an integral part of the Avengers and the MCU in general.
Maybe don’t recast him in the immediate sequel, but he needs to be recast at some point. They have backed themselves in a corner with this hard-line stance, but I believe most fans, even fans with Chadwick, would be ok with T’Challa being recast in the future.
That is the best way, in my opinion, to honor Chadwick Boseman. What is your opinion on the matter? Do you think they should recast?
Flip the page to check out a clip of the interview.