According to John Stockton, hundreds of vaccinated athletes have dropped dead on the field. This is crazy info Stockton has dropped, and it’s got people talking and asking pertinent questions.
According to SideAction, John Stockton spoke with Jason Whitlock where he threw his support behind Aaron Rodgers and Kyrie Irving, saying:
“I now have a list of hundreds of athletes around the world that are vaccinated that have dropped dead on the field.”
Late last year Stockton showed support for Kyrie Irving.
“You have a lot of supporters Kyrie,” Stockton said. “Not all them of can get to you, and you can’t get to all of them, but there’s every bit a majority out there that’s sitting there pulling for you. They’re just not quite as bold as he is. I’m proud of him as an individual to take that kind of individual risk and be that bold for what you feel is right.”
John Stockton isn’t a fan of vaccines so this coming from him isn’t any news that scared people.
This isn’t the first time Stockton has talked crazily about science.
“This isn’t a virus cheating us of this opportunity,” he says of COVID-19. “It’s the guys making decisions saying, ‘No, no we’re too scared. We’re going to shut everything down. Sit in your house and be careful.’ My kids and my grandkids hearing these things and accepting them as truth when I know by my significant amount of research that it isn’t, it’s very frustrating.”
If you don’t want to take a vaccine, that is your personal decision but don’t spread misinformation about it as a scare tactic.
I’d love to see this list that Stockton claims to have.
Flip to the next page to watch Stockton talk about hundreds of vaccinated athletes who’ve dropped dead on the field.